《神鬼嚎野人》是大獲好評的《吸血鬼家庭屍篇》導演Taika Waititi新作,劇情大致可稱為《天外奇蹟》與《末路狂花》的綜合體。孤兒Ricky(Julian Dennison)在社工人員Paula口中是個行為嚴重偏差的12歲男孩,幸好住在紐西蘭偏僻農場的Bella(Rima Te Wiata)收養了他,然而情勢驟變,Ricky被迫與Bella的丈夫Hec(山姆尼爾)躲進樹林逃亡,以免被社工人員與賞金獵人帶走......
劇本大綱看似傳統──它是個煩人青少年與臭脾氣老人的相知相惜過程,但編劇兼導演Waititi的長才在於其詭異的幽默感,對話的笑點特殊而古怪,例如關於《魔鬼終結者》的一段話真是莫名其妙又神來一筆;社工Paula心中抱持的最高宗旨"No Child Left Behind",原本是前美國總統小布希教育政策的名稱,到了Paula嘴裡竟變成一種威脅、還像膝反射一樣時時搬出來講不停,令人莞爾。而且,演員表演方式、鏡頭安排、反差對照等等也都是Waititi製造笑點的工具,例如Ricky這位都市長大、聽饒舌音樂、覺得加入幫派很酷的孩子,看見Bella獵山豬做晚餐的過程簡直驚呆,就是很幽默的對比手法。
總體說來,《神鬼嚎野人》是一部溫暖幽默的佳片,非常值得一看。導演Taika Waititi的下一部作品是漫威的《雷神索爾3:諸神的黃昏》(Thor: Ragnarok),在差強人意的《雷神索爾》與 《雷神索爾2:黑暗世界》之後,我很期待作品總是幽默有特色的Waititi能扭轉索爾系列的命運,帶來全新氣象。
Minister: You know, sometimes in life it seems like there's no way out. Like a sheep trapped in a maze designed by wolves.
Minister: You would think Jesus. I thought Jesus the first time I came across that door. It's not Jesus. It's another door. And guess what's on the other side of that door? Yeah, Jesus. He's tricky like that, Jesus.
Bella: [to Ricky] What you wanna do, you hungry? That's a silly question, isn't it? Look at you.
Ricky Baker: [reading wanted poster] "Faulkner is cauc-asian" - well, they got that wrong because you're obviously white.
Ricky Baker: I'll never stop running!
Paula: Yeah, and I'll never stop chasing you - I'm relentless, I'm like the Terminator.
Ricky Baker: I'm more like the Terminator than you!
Paula: I said it first, you're more like Sarah Connor, and in the first movie too, before she could do chinups.
Officer Andy: We're offering ten thousand dollars to anyone who can capture them, dead or alive.
Officer Andy: Oh. Alive. They should be alive.
Hec: Me and this fat kid / We ran we ate and read books / And it was the best.
Ricky Baker: Uncle, you're basically a criminal now. But on the bright side, you're famous.
Hec: You can take him, but I'm staying here.
Hugh: Like hell. People want answers.
Ron: Yeah, answers.
Hec: Look, we got lost, I got injured, he's fine, it was basically a holiday.
Ricky Baker: Not a real holiday because he made me do stuff.
Hugh: Like what?
Ricky Baker: Just stuff. He had a sore leg so he made me do things for him. It was hard at first because my hands are so soft, but I got used to it. I didn't really wanna do it, but it was the only way to survive. It wasn't always hard, sometimes I got to do my own thing. He pretty much never joined in with me though. I asked if he wanted to play with me, but he would just make me play with myself.
Ron: I feel sick.