[腐]新世紀福爾摩斯:地獄新娘 Sherlock:The Abominable Bride

故事發生在福爾摩斯被放逐出境、又因為莫瑞亞堤而重返之後。所以完全是第四季前導無誤。至於為何重返維多利亞時代,其實說穿了沒什麼,所以留給大家自己看囉。 案件發生在十九世紀的倫敦。因愛生妒的艾蜜莉當街飲彈自盡後,竟死後復活,殺了變心的丈夫。甚至在數月之後,又追獵卡麥隆。世紀末的倫敦,加上鬼故事般的情節,有著濃濃哥德風。甚至因為觸及女性平等議題,有些嚴肅。瑪莉和茉莉都有加重戲份,可以看到兩人活躍於案件當中的樣子。茉莉真是英氣勃勃,跟電視版的樣子差好多啊!至於瑪莉,完全就是俐落的CIA。華生有眼光,很會挑老婆!(夏洛克:「哼哼,你也不想想他跟誰在一起……咦?你說的不是我?你確定?」) 特別篇果然是粉絲製作。幾個理由:首先,因為拉回19世紀,許多原著當中的經典場景得以重現。劇組以極為講究的方式重現細節,譬如福爾摩斯與華生的初次相遇、221B的房間、萊辛巴赫瀑布的對決、福華兩人的定裝,還有經典中的經典,電報版的「COME AT ONCE IF CONVENIENT. IF INCONVENIENT, COME ALL THE SAME. HOLMES.」等等。 sherlock3.5 sherlock3.5_3 光看電影定裝跟原著Sidney Paget 插畫的對照圖,就知道有多麼地忠於原著了。不過更讓我驚豔的是萊辛巴赫瀑布的決鬥場景。竟喚起我童年看書的記憶。如果連我這個半吊子粉絲都看得出來,正港粉絲肯定捧臉尖叫! 不過也不要因此以為特別篇就是完全的擬古與還原。影集中常出現的創新手法,照用不誤,兩者間還混搭得蠻好的,不得不佩服導演功力。而且,整個故事用了大量的劇中劇及後設手法,所以角色偶爾會跳離角色自身發言,而影迷的討論/悄悄話也編進劇情裡了。可能也因為如此,角色間的互相吐槽加倍犀利精準,加倍好笑。福爾摩斯跟華生之間也放閃得毫無顧忌。不過英式放閃跟美式放閃還是不太一樣。想當初我在看RDJ版的詭影遊戲時,明明自備墨鏡,還是被滿天煙花燦爛閃得一抽一抽。地獄新娘是沒事就沒事,好端端的偵探片,可是卻會忽然間來一句台詞讓人噴茶,或是忽然間丟個閃光彈讓人措手不及,來不及戴墨鏡就先眼盲。說起來還是BBC陰險……呃不,我是說手法高明啊! 影片播完後,加送了編劇Steven Moffat 導覽貝克街221B和編劇Mark Gatiss 進行演員訪談的段落。如果這不是粉絲製作,什麼才是粉絲製作?221B的背景裡充滿各種原著中提及的細節,和美術設計的深情款款。至於演員訪談……意外讓我看到麥考夫和莫瑞亞堤穿情人裝!難道麥考夫哥哥聽見我的心聲嗎?XDDD 照例放一下喜歡的台詞: 1.備受質疑的作家W. Hudson: And I noticed you published another of your stories, Dr. Watson. John: Yes, did you enjoy it? Hudson: No. John: Oh? Hudson: I never enjoy them. John: Why not? Hudson: Well, I never say anything do I? According to you, I just show people up the stairs and serve you breakfast. John: Well, within the narrative that is, broadly speaking, your function. Hudson: My what? Sherlock: Don't feel singled out, Mrs Hudson. I'm hardly in the dog one. John: The dog one? Hudson: I'm your landlady, not a plot device. John: Do you mean 'Hound of the Baskervilles'? 2. Hudson: You make the rooms so drab and dingy. John: Oh blame it on the illustrator, he is out of control. I had to grow this moustache just so that people would recognize me. 3.華生醫生撂狠話好可愛。「我是軍醫!我可以打斷你的每根骨頭並一一說出骨頭的名稱!」哼哼。 John: I'm an army doctor, which means I could break every bone in your body while naming them. 4.給雷斯垂德一個同情的拍拍。 Lestrade: He said, "There's only one suspect," and then he just walks away and now he won't explain. Hudson: Which is strange, because he likes that bit. Lestrade: Said it's so simple I could solve it. Hudson: I'm sure he was exaggerating. 5.瑪莉咬人了!關於Who's the cleverer one?,最後的訪談裡Mofatt也問了Gatiss。麥考夫哥哥笑而不答。我猜他心裡想的是:「當然是我!」 Mary: I've been making inquiries. Mr. Holmes asked me. John: Holmes, how could you? Mary: No, not him, the clever one. 6.這是發生在約翰決定離開失控的夏洛克的當下。我會喜歡瑪莉果然不是沒有理由的! John: I'm taking Mary home. Mary: You're what? John:...Mary's taking me home. Mary: Better. 7.個人覺得,這裡的莫瑞亞堤好像笑傲江湖裡說著「我要你永遠記得我」的東方不敗啊! Sherlock: Moriarty's dead! Moriarty: Not in your mind. I'll never be dead there. You once called your brain a hard drive. Well, say hello to the virus. 8.WMD級別閃光彈。我好同情莫瑞亞堤。這兩個還好意思說人家沒禮貌…… Sherlock: Thank you, John. John: Since when do you call me John? Sherlock: You'd be surprised. John: No, I wouldn't. Time you woke up, Sherlock. I'm a story-teller, I know when I'm in one. Sherlock: Of course. Of course you do, John. John: So what's he like? The other me in the other place? Sherlock: Smarter than he looks. John: Pretty damn smart, then. Sherlock: Pretty damn smart. Moriarty: Ugh, why don't you two just elope, for God's sake?! Sherlock: Impertinent. John: Offensive.
